Quantum Speed Reading
Building Amazing Learning Experiences
Quantum speed reading (QSR) is a completely new technique for reading books without looking at the pages. It was developed in Japan and has been taught to both children and adults there for the last several years. Astonishing as it may seem to most of us who learned only to read books by reading a page at a time they can, in fact, be read by simply flipping the pages.
Reading engages the mind, eyes, mouth, and ears, which together determine the speed. The objective of this three months of speed reading course is to enhance the skills of the child, so as to empower him/her for super speed reading, great memory retention, and quick revision.
The enhancement program is intended to help students in understanding the process of reading, which is about activating the images, allowing the psyche to take an instantly recognizable picture and keeping the same in the memory, just like remembering motion pictures. The course will allow students and kids to understand the process of reading better, and thereby, they will see an enhancement in the memory function, retention of material and improve overall learning.