Fastest line Follower
The line follower robot follows a black line.

Robo Race
Imagine building a Robot running at
high speeds on the track.

Quad copter is well known in the world of
rotatory winged UAV's.

Water Rocket
Students construct a simple bottle rocket from a
two liter soft drink bottles and other materials.
Really thankful to the team of Brain wizard. I not only developed a better understanding with my child but also improved myself to be a better parent. Would recommend their services to all experiencing communication gap with their children.

My child successfully completed Brain Wizard’s midbrain activation program. He can now identify colours blindfold. It has also helped improve his focus and concentration.

Memory booster techniques provided by Brain wizard are a must for every child. They guide the students in the right direction of learning. My child learnt the entire periodic table in less than 10 mins. Really grateful for their experienced training

Formulae, long answers, MCQ, History dates, I can now learn anything so easily with Brain Wizard’s memory booster techniques. I also scored better in my final examinations, all thanks to my trainer at Brain Wizard.

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Neelgiri Faizabad Road, Lucknow
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Email: info@brainwizard.in
Phone: 7007651946, 7607030909